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 DUI Signs

Drunk Driving Signs

According to the NHTSA there are 24 driving signs that may predict that a driver's blood alcohol content is .08 percent or greater. Those signs were divided into four categories:

Driving SignsDifficulties in Maintaining Proper Lane Position:

  1. Weaving
  2. Weaving Across Lane Lines
  3. Straddling a Lane Line
  4. Drifting
  5. Swerving
  6. Almost Striking a Vehicle or Other Object
  7. Turning With a Wide Radius, or Drifting During a Curve

Speed and Braking Problems:

  1. Stopping Problems (Too Far, Too Short, Too Jerky)
  2. Accelerating for no Reason
  3. Varying Speed
  4. Slow Speed

Problems Being Alert:

  1. Driving Without Headlights at Night
  2. Failure to Signal a Turn or Lane Change, or Signaling Inconsistently With Actions
  3. Driving in Opposing Lanes or the Wrong Way on a One-Way Street
  4. Slow Response to Traffic Signals
  5. Slow or Failure to Repsond to Officer's Signals
  6. Stopping in the Lane for No Apparent Reason

Problems with Judgment:

  1. Following Too Closely
  2. Improper or Unsafe Lane Change
  3. Illegal or Improper Turn (too fast, jerky, sharp, etc.)
  4. Driving on Other than the Designated Roadway
  5. Stopping Inappropriately in Response to an Officer
  6. Inappropriate or Unusual Behavior
  7. Appearing to Be Impaired.

Signs After the Stop
The following signs help an officer determine if the BAC of the driver is .08 or above and if a DUI arrest should be made.

  1. Difficulty with Motor Vehicle Controls
  2. Difficulty Exiting the Vehicle
  3. Fumbling with Driver's License or Registration
  4. Repeating Questions or Comments
  5. Swaying, Unsteady, or Balance Problems
  6. Leaning on the Vehicle or Other Object
  7. Slurred Speech
  8. Slow to Respond to Officer/Officer Must Repeat Questions
  9. Provides Incorrect Information or Changes Answers
  10. Odor of Alcoholic Beverage from the Driver

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